November 9, 2015

Containers facts and details that you may or may not know about the humble shipping container!

At first thought a 40’ container is twice the size and can therefore carry twice the load of a 20’ container. A logical thought but not […]
November 9, 2015

The Free Trade Agreement between Japan and South Korea and what it means to Australia.

Korea – Australia free trade agreement. The Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement (KAFTA) is a world-class, comprehensive agreement that substantially liberalises Australia’s trade with Korea – our […]
November 9, 2015

Fake Shipping Companies Scams and how to avoid them

Shipping Australia Limited has reported that shipping companies are continuing to be targeted in fake website scams. They warn to be careful that you are dealing […]
November 9, 2015

A reflection on October which was Cancer month

In National Safety and Environment Week one of the things they focussed on was deaths by smoking cigarettes. Statistics for deaths of Australians caused by diseases […]
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